Gard Egg Cactus

Garda Egg

The Trusted Supplier

In the tranquil embrace of a bright home, surrounded by lush woods and the distant shimmer of a blue lake, Federica Bin found herself at a crossroads in life. A change of pace was necessary after years of relentless routine. This serene environment awakened a deep desire to reconnect with nature and the simplicity it embodies. It all began with an idea – a vision to care for animals, return to the essence of things, and embrace a less hurried life. It was during this peaceful interlude that fate led Federica into the enchanting world of eggs, colorful and exceptional, produced by special breeds of free-range hens. Captivated by these superior quality eggs, revered by renowned chefs, pastry experts, and gelato makers, Federica decided to embark on an extravagant journey. Acquiring a dozen hens opened the door to a new chapter in her life—a venture full of curiosity and passion.

Gard Egg Milan

Free-Range Hens

As her quest for knowledge deepened, Federica discovered a vital aspect of this gastronomic treasure: these gourmet eggs were the product of virtuous farming practices. These farms allowed hens the freedom to roam outdoors and feast on certified organic grains—a choice deeply aligned with Federica’s ethical convictions. In the culinary world, the colors of a dish can profoundly influence our perceptions, with each hue contributing to the subconscious experience of a meal. Similarly, the essence of exceptional eggs lies in the quality of the relationship between the hens and their caregivers. At Garda Egg, the human-animal connection is genuine, direct, and part of daily life. Here, animals are not mere numbers but beings capable of feeling, deserving a life in harmony with their nature.

Gard Egg Cactus

The Lives of Hens

Guided by their instincts, hens delight in the freedom to express their natural behaviors. They seek seasonal treasures, follow the rhythms of wakefulness and sleep, and live in sync with the path of the sun, until their natural end. Their lives are focused on the precious present, and this essence finds expression in the eggs they lay. If hens suffer, their eggs reflect that suffering. If hens are happy, their eggs radiate happiness. It’s a deep connection with nature, where respect, protection, and love translate into a gift—the joyful harmony of these creatures’ lives, encapsulated in high-quality organic eggs of exquisite taste and exceptional beauty. Just as a cherished and nurtured plant rewards us with splendid flowers and delicious fruits, Garda Egg has forged a unique alliance with its hens. The taste of this success is beautifully encapsulated in every egg they produce. From humble beginnings with just ten hens, Garda Egg embarked on an exciting journey of respect and love. The endeavor involved significant investments in shelter facilities and land, allowing hens to roam freely and live their lives in harmony with nature.

Uova e Tartufo Milano

The Mission

This journey reflects the company’s unwavering mission: to embrace the true quality of nature. Every egg produced at Garda Egg is a testament to the beauty of this connection, where sustainability and ethical farming practices seamlessly blend to create a gastronomic treasure like no other. In a world where quality often transcends quantity, Garda Egg stands as a shining example of how love, compassion, and respect can produce the most exquisite culinary delights, nurturing both body and soul, reflecting the essence of sustainability in its purest form.

Uova fresche a Milano Cactus

A Model of Sustainability

And so, as the day draws to a close, I carry with me not only memories of flavors tasted and landscapes admired, but the essence of a place where the bounty of nature and gastronomy intertwine. In every bite and sip, I have tasted the spirit of autumn in Piedmont—a journey that lingers long in my heart after the day’s end.

Jerusalem artichoke risotto
Beet Hummus